Software Modules
Our platform is divided into three modules to ensure that our customers pay for only the features that are most important to them. Once your MyTankInfo device is installed you have the ability to choose which modules make the most sense for your business.
All modules come with the following, base functionality:
Secure, encrypted access
Mobile-responsive UI
User & account administration
Robust, customizable notification engine via email and SMS
Site administration tools
Intuitive tab-style site navigation
Site groups
Fuel Inventory Module
The MyTankInfo Fuel Inventory module takes advantage of several new technologies to provide state of the art fuel management capability. Due to the advanced technology available, MyTankInfo is far more advanced compared to any other solution available in the market today. Welcome to the future- where the large and small companies have access to the latest and greatest technology in the oil industry. The MyTankInfo Fuel Inventory module makes these advanced capabilities available to everyone, and then exceeds them!
Manual Inventory entry (for sites without an ATG)
Manual Delivery entry (for sites without an ATG)
ATG Data Integration, recorded hourly
ATG data collection “now” for more immediate data needs
Estimated Runout, days, date and time
Inventory related data per tank
Percentage full (current volume as a percentage of full capacity)
Inventory gallons (current volume)
Ullage gallons (volume capacity between current level and 90%)
Runout estimation (weighted average usage calculated forward from current inventory)
Last delivery (date/time/volume of last recorded delivery)
Daily usage (average daily usage by day of the week for last 4 weeks)
Days inventory (days based on weighted usage data between current volume and 7.5% of capacity)
Inventory data that is able to be custom graphed for detailed analysis
Inventory gallons
Runout estimation
Last deliveries
Daily usage
BOL delivery entry
Date, Time, Gross, Net, and BOL number
All alarm/warning limits per tank
Max volume, High level, Overfill, Delivery needed, Low level, High water, Water warning, and Invalid fuel level
Visibility of all active ATG alarms or warnings in application
Alarms are pushed via SMS/Text to a mobile phone
The ability to acknowledge and email an alarm/warning event
A historical record of all alarms, including acknowledgements
Alarm History
Date and time it became active
Date and time it cleared
Offending site and tank
Type of alarm/warning and category
Acknowledge status
Visibility of market dynamics
WTI Crude
Bent Crude
Natural Gas
AAA Street prices
Oil and Gas news
Environmental Module
The MyTankInfo Environmental Module leverages the functionality of your site’s Automatic Tank Gauge (ATG). Leak Detection and Tank/Line/Sensor data are stored in the cloud for ease of monitoring and reporting to state agencies. Added, tracking of Alarms/Warnings from their inception to their resolution is included. The ability to generate reports including who acknowledged the event and what was done to rectify it is also standard functionality.
ATG Data recorded hourly
ATG data collection “now” for more immediate data needs
Tank Compliance Report
Last and Fullest Monthly Test
0.1 gal/hr, 0.2 gal/hr, 3 gal/hr
Date and time of record
Test type
Test Report type
Test Duration
Fuel Volume at Test
Percentage full
Line Compliance Report
Last and Fullest Monthly Test
0.1 gal/hr, 0.2 gal/hr, 3 gal/hr
Date and time of record
Test type
Test Result
Sensor Status Report
Visibility of all active ATG alarms or warnings in application
Alarms are pushed via SMS/Text to a mobile phone
The ability to acknowledge and email an alarm/warning event
A historical record of all alarms, including acknowledgements
Alarm History
Date and time it became active
Date and time it cleared
Offending site and tank
Type of alarm/warning and category
Acknowledge status
Reconciliation Module
In November of 1993 the United States Environmental Protection Agency released EPA 510-B-93-004 “Doing Inventory Control Right”. If inventory control is part of your leak detection, this booklet is designed to make sure you do it correctly. The MyTankInfo reconciliation module is designed to generate this report for you, commonly referred to as your “Over and Short Report”.
There are 4 pieces of data per product required to complete your report; Beginning Inventory, Ending Inventory, Deliveries, and Sales Volume (amount pumped). This data can be collected many different ways; with a Tank stick, Automatic Tank Gauge, BOL, POS, or even pump totalizers. The MyTankInfo reconciliation module will automate the collection and associated computations required, as well as store this data in our cloud servers so reports can be generated for Federal or State agencies as needed.
At the most basic level you can easily manually enter your data either via a mobile phone or our secure website. Imagine how easy it would be to simply input your data via mobile phone as the tank is being sticked! The other advantage the module provides is the report will do all the math for you as well as identify any missing data.
Alternatively, 3 out of the 4 data points are easily collected from an Automatic Tank Gauge should one be present. All you need to enter is your Sales Volume or share this data with us via an electronic means and we’ll populate it for you.
Main Features
Manual Inventory entry (for sites without an ATG)
Manual Delivery entry (for sites without an ATG)
ATG Data Integration, recorded hourly
ATG data collection “now” for more immediate data needs
Estimated Runout, days, date and time
Inventory related data per tank
Percentage full (current volume as a percentage of full capacity)
Inventory gallons (current volume)
Ullage gallons (volume capacity between current level and 90%)
Runout estimation (weighted average usage calculated forward from current inventory)
Last delivery (date/time/volume of last recorded delivery)
Daily usage (average daily usage by day of the week for last 4 weeks)
Days inventory (days based on weighted usage data between current volume and 7.5% of capacity)
Inventory data that is able to be custom graphed for detailed analysis
Inventory gallons
Runout estimation
Last deliveries
Daily usage
Bill of Lading (BOL) delivery entry
Date, Time, Gross, Net, and BOL number
All alarm/warning limits per tank
Max volume, High level, Overfill, Delivery needed, Low level, High water, Water warning, and Invalid fuel level
Ready to get started?
Contact us today and we’ll show you how MyTankInfo can take the guesswork out of managing your USTs